How hint works in sortedArrayUsingFunction:context:hint:
The hint is simply an array of size
containing theN
hashes. To re-sort you need internally to create a map table mapping a hash to the index. Using this map table on the new array, you can get a first guess for the indexes, and then sort that. For example, a sorted array {A, B, D, E, F} with corresponding hash values {25, 96, 78, 32, 17}, may be subject to small changes that result in contents {E, A, C, B, F}. The mapping table maps the hashes {25, 96, 78, 32, 17} to the indexes {#0, #1, #2, #3, #4}. If the hashes for {E, A, C, B, F} are {32, 25, 99, 96, 17}, then by using the mapping table you can get a first order sort {#3, #0, ?, #1, #4}, so therefore create an initial semi-sorted array {A, B, E, F}, and then perform a cheap merge sort with {C} that yields {A, B, C, E, F}.
Some links
Note: Most operations on an array take constant time: accessing an element, adding or removing an element at either end, and replacing an element. Inserting an element into the middle of an array takes linear time.