Voice control with ‘Alexa Skills Kit’, ‘Login with Amazon’, ‘AWS IoT’, ‘AWS Lambda’ etc
You can use a set of Amazon web services/developer tools to build a voice enabled IoT solution. The services/tools needed:
- ‘Alexa Skills Kit’ — to let Alexa know the existence of your IoT devices and respond to user’s voice commands
- ‘Login with Amazon’ — to let your users login to use your IoT devices
- ‘AWS IoT’ — work as a cloud service which your devices can connect to, publish status to, and get control command from,
- ‘AWS Lambda’ — to bridge ‘Alexa Skills Kit’ and ‘AWS IoT’
- ‘AWS Cognito’ —
There is not a single tutorial which can walk you through all the steps and you need to follow several tutorials to get everything together:
- How to create a smart home skill for Alexa:
* most part of this tutorial is quite clear but when come to the part of setting up Account Linking it does not give too much information that actually you can use ‘Login with Amazon’ for the user login if you don’t have your own user authentication server. Tutorial 2 will help you with that. - How to use ‘Login with Amazon’ for the Alexa Skills Kit’s Account Linking:
https://developer.amazon.com/public/community/post/Tx3CX1ETRZZ2NPC/Alexa-Account-Linking-5-Steps-to-Seamlessly-Link-Your-Alexa-Skill-with-Login-wit - How to test your skill using the Alexa Service Simulator: (seems currently smart home skills can’t be tested in the Service Simulator… only custom skills can be tested)
https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/testing-an-alexa-skill - However there is a great alternative Alexa testing solution:
Try this free app ‘Swift for Alexa Voice Services’ which is actually an Echo simulator